
Wednesday 4 December 2019


Walt: Be creative with poetry.

Refection: For the last few weeks we have been making poems. We made Haiku, Acrostic and lyric poems. I started this activity on my own and the joined in with Emma, we made two poems together and made separate ones too. Emma and I made a poem called "Neverland" and I think we did well.
I enjoyed doing this activity and think I did well.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Monday 16 September 2019

Climate change

Walt Summarise about climate change

Monday 2 September 2019


Walt Create a poster about Variable

Wednesday 28 August 2019

What is Film making?

Walt summarise the text.

Monday 26 August 2019


WALT use the order of operation.

Friday 23 August 2019

Camera shots and angles

WALT take a variety of different camera shots.

Me, Tia and Manaia have taken a variety of different camera shots such as, close up shot, wide shot, mid shot, over the shoulder shot, birds eye shot, two shot and worms eye shot. We took these photo on a iPad. When had finished we put them on a slide and wrote about the purpose of these camera shots. 

This activity was fun and I would like to do something like this again but I do not want to be in the photos.

Monday 19 August 2019

Film making

WALT Create a short film.

During this term we have been making short films. 1. Tweenage Mutant Ninja Hurtles 2. It's business stuff 3. The interview. 
Last Friday we made a interview based on Ihumatao and what has been happening. Miss Fleet let my group dress up in costumes, the costumes got a bit out of hand. I think our group worked well with this film because we did not argue that much and we had fun. 

Then today a guy named Harley, came into our class, he was helping us with tips on film making. We found out what the important roles do, We were put into 3 groups and had a job, in my group Lyric was the directer, Tia was the camera operator, Cameron was the sound recorder, Rachna was the clapper, Me, Shaie and Emma were the actors. My group got distracted with the gear and never finished our film. 

Wednesday 14 August 2019

SOUL Summary

WALT: Summarise a text in our own words.

Tuesday 6 August 2019


WALT sort out decimals and  fractions.

Recount: This term we have been learning about Algebra and decimals in a group of 5 girls Emma, Shaie, Manaia, Tia and I. We would sit in our group with Miss Fleet while the class reads. Yesterday we got sheets of paper and Miss Fleet asked us to fold them into tenths, we struggled and after a while I made the tenths then Tia did.

Today we sorted out decimals and fractions, we messed it up and had to do it again, some of the paper was missing, so Shaie put together the 0.3 with the 30/100, Tia disagreed and Miss Fleet taught us that they meant the same thing. We finished and we have enough time to do our blog.
We did muck around with the paper by blowing it around and that is why is   quite mess, we also argued but that is normal. I enjoyed this activity and I       like that we do different work than the class.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Film making

WALT create a film with each other.

Recount: Last week on Friday we made a film in a small group. I was with my friends Emma, Tia, Shaie and Manaia. We made a film called Tweenage Mutant Ninja Humans. 

The film had to be no longer than 1 minute and we had an Hour and Thirty minutes to make the film. We were thinking about doing kindness, but we wanted to do Ninjas so we made Tweenage Mutant Ninja Humans.

I was the Ninja in pink, Emma was the Ninja in Grey and Producer, Shaie was Bad Guy, Manaia was Victim/Dead person and Tia was Directer and Camera Man.

It all started with 3 Ninjas (Me, Emma and Manaia) when the bad guy (Shaie) pushed Manaia off and she fell to her death. Ninja in grey and Ninja in pink (Me and Emma) fought                                                                    the bad guy (Shaie). Shaie was dragged                                                                              across to a secret room hoping she would not                                                                    wake up... To be continued.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Literacy series

WALT think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information.


Tia and I worked together on this slide for about 2 weeks. I think we worked really well together. I really enjoyed most of this activity. 

 This all started with the human brain, we had to write facts about the human brain and then we wrote our summary. 

Then we started with the solar system. First we made a summary about the solar system, then I made a solar system on Tinker cad.

Then third I wrote about Astrology, I learnt where the stars are located the star signs.

Next we were on Elements, we wrote a summary about all the star signs and their elements. My star sign is Scorpio and Tia's is Aries. 

Then we read about good sleep for the brain, we found lots of fascinating facts of how to get a good sleep for the brain.

Now, the fun part was the Dream catcher, we found out the purpose of the dream catcher.
This part was the best because after it we got to make a dream catcher with a buddy and my buddy was Tia

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Squared numbers

Walt: square whole numbers.


 Reflection: This was our maths on how to square whole numbers. Me, Emma, Tia and Manaia helping each other out with this slide. I enjoyed doing this and I would like to do it again. I think I did pretty good but next time I should focus more on my work so that I get it don faster.

Friday 7 June 2019

Kindness series

WALT: analyse kindness as one of our school reflections. Reflection: Today I made a kindness slide with stories and other things about kindness. It was fun to make and I worked with my friends.

Friday 31 May 2019

Team building

Team building

 Make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.

Today for team building Me, Emma, Manaia and Tia took our egg out of the vinegar.
Our egg cracked in the jar of vinegar so the yolk was hanging out of the egg shell but we still kept it.  When it had been 4 days, we took the egg, because our had cracked the yolk popped out of the shell, so we had a yolk in our hands. The yolk felt very weird when we touched it. Sadly Tia poked the yolk and it started to leak. Emma threw the egg at the concrete and thought that it was going to bounce, it didn't. So me and Emma have made another egg.   

Thursday 30 May 2019

Team building

 Team  building

WALT show our school values in team building.

Today for team building  Me, Emma and Tia made a Marshmallow catapult. We drew a plan for our catapult and then we built it we tested it out but the spoon could not hold Gregley the marshmallow. Tia pulled it apart we had to make another design, we built a box catapult and we were done but then it fell apart. We tested it out with our class, it worked alright. Miss Fleet showed our class a video of how to make a catapult, so we all tried to make it, my group tried to make it unique by drawing on the marshmallows. 

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Team building

Team building

WALT show our school values during team building.

My group Lyric, Manaia, Tia and me had to work together using our school values. We got given tooth picks and marshmallows to make a building, we tried to make the Eiffel tower but it did not work so we changed to just a normal building that looked like a spider.

Friday 17 May 2019

Waitangi animation

Walt: make a animation based on the Treaty of Waitangi.

Friday 3 May 2019


WALT: think critically about texts and respond accordingly.

  Reflection: I think that I need more Information on what is the skeleton system and more on the Caught in Avalanche.

Thursday 11 April 2019


Walt: Create a slide based on ANZAC day. Reflection: I wasn't very good with this task but I could do better next time.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

sentence structure

Walt: Create a slide on sentence structure.
 Reflection: I enjoyed making this slide but I need to finish my information

Why was the treaty of Waitangi established?

Walt: create a slide about why the Treaty of Waitangi was established Reflection:I found this slide hard to make because i could not find good description to write, next time I could work on finding more facts.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Inspirational quotes

We are learning to understand copyright.

Quote: the sun'll come out tomorrow
Reflection: I chose this song because the sun will come out tomorrow which means it is a new day.

Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton

Who have we chosen and why? by Ella, Eva, Kylah and Arie. Today we had to create a slide/presentation about two famous m athematician...