
Monday, 10 December 2018

My animation

My animation
W.A.L.T : create a animation about what you learned at Mainaiakalani and what you would like next time.
Reflection: I worked hard on this and tried my best.

Friday, 30 November 2018

Beauty and fashion

Business ventures - advertisment

W.A.L.T: Create a poster about our business venture.
Reflection: I think me and Ella worked together well and did this poster well.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Monday, 12 November 2018

Homemade pies poster

W.A.L.T: Create a poster for the school gala signs.

Desserts poster

W.A.L.T: Create a poster for the school gala signs.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Beauty and fashion

W.A.L.T: Create a slide for our market day about what we will do.

Monday, 29 October 2018

Our awesome bag!

Our bag
W.A.L.T.: Create a bag out of newspaper.

Tui whanau money

Tui whanau class money

W.A.L.T: Create your own money with a buddy, on google drawing, for our class.

Reflection: I think my me and my buddy worked together really well on this and i think we worked well together.

Friday, 19 October 2018

Vegetable car

Satanic hotrod - vegetable car

W.A.L.T: Create a poster about your veggie car.

Reflection: I think my group worked really hard and well on this poster.

Friday, 21 September 2018

poetry tools poster

W.A.L.T: to make poster on poetry tools

Reflection: I think me and my group (Ella, Maia and Kaylee) did really well with working together and making this poster.

Friday, 17 August 2018

paragraph writing - comic strip

W.A.L.T: Accept peoples differences.
I accepted Ella liking salt.

Friday, 10 August 2018

the springbok tour

W.A.L.T: make posters about the Springbok tour
I think my group made a great poster and we worked really hard, I think we made a good quality blog post

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Friday, 3 August 2018

Monday, 30 July 2018

Pro’s and con’s

The Pro’s and con’s about 1080

R.  I think that 1080 should be banned in New Zealand because it kills native animals and other animals like dogs, Deer, and horses.
E. The way these animals are being killed is not nice, especially to our native animals.
E. The only good thing about 1080 is that the pests are dying and that 1080 dissolves in time.
F. I feel upset because 1080 is in New Zealand, and is harming our native animals

Friday, 27 July 2018

Friday, 6 July 2018

Friday, 8 June 2018

The cow disease

The hidden city

The hidden city
INTRO: we have been learning to write a descriptive and level 3 piece of writing.

Lilah and Dj were on their flight back home from Ohakune. Lilah decided to relax and put her headphones on, instead of listening to Dj having a panic attack (she hates planes). 5 minutes later… “ this is your captain speaking we will be landing in five minutes and please the girl who is having a panic attack, be quiet!!!” (Dj is the one having a panic attack!). They had finally landed and Dj finally was quiet.

When they got off the plane they noticed that they were standing on a tiny island about the size of a average sized McDonald's. Everybody was wondering what was going on. They were at the right destination, but Auckland city was not there! 

While the captain was calling the airport crew Dj and Lilah decided that they go for a walk in the water when they suddenly fell through the sand. Lilah and Dj opened their eyes and they saw the Auckland city. They saw seaweed covering the Sky tower, cloths floating around, cars going rusty and it looks like a scoober diver is coming close to them. They climb up the sand and get back to the land and so did the diver. Lilah and Dj turned around and screamed because of the diver. “Who are you?” said Dj , the diver replied back “ i am Kelly tolton junior junior”. “What happened to the city” said Lilah “Rangitoto erupted and Auckland was forced to sink but everyone is OK” Said K.T junior junior.

The island started shaking and the city was being pushed up by the underwater volcanoes. The city was finally back and was ok.

Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton

Who have we chosen and why? by Ella, Eva, Kylah and Arie. Today we had to create a slide/presentation about two famous m athematician...