
Friday, 19 October 2018

Vegetable car

Satanic hotrod - vegetable car

W.A.L.T: Create a poster about your veggie car.

Reflection: I think my group worked really hard and well on this poster.


  1. hay Eva
    i love your poster about you vage car
    the race was quite fun
    did you enioy the race to ?

    1. Hey Maia!
      Thank you my group tried hard to get all the colours right to make it easy to read.
      I enjoyed the race and knew our was not going to make it very far in the race! The wheels could barely move! Did you enjoy the race? What placing did your car make? Was your car good? Did you enjoy making you car? And final question did your group work well together?


Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton

Who have we chosen and why? by Ella, Eva, Kylah and Arie. Today we had to create a slide/presentation about two famous m athematician...