
Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Compass Coodinates

West 1 space
North 2 spaces
West 2 spaces
South 4 spaces
East 2 spaces
South West 2 spaces
South East 1 space
East 3 spaces
North 1 space
Where are you now?


  1. Wow i really like your blog post it is really set out well how long did it tack you to do that?

  2. Hi Eva, I really enjoyed reading your blog post, great work. I tried following the compass directions, but I think I got lost. I like how you included a compass.Was it challenging to draw a map of your house? did you have a map of it? Do you like this task?


Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton

Who have we chosen and why? by Ella, Eva, Kylah and Arie. Today we had to create a slide/presentation about two famous m athematician...