
Tuesday 4 August 2020

Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton

Who have we chosen and why? by Ella, Eva, Kylah and Arie.

Today we had to create a slide/presentation about two famous mathematicians. In my group was Ella, Arie and Kylah. We chose Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton. We got the information from a website called biography. Something new I found out was that Albert Einstein is German. We used canva for this activity.

Is there anything you know about these two mathematicians? If you are in Huia whanau what would you use to make this presentation?

Wednesday 1 July 2020

3 Questions

Makey Makey
What do you already know about makey makey?

I am not sure what makey makey is about? I have never seen or heard of this before but I think that it will be something creative.

What are you most excited about learning with coding or robotics?

Finding out how do the coding and working with the robots.

Do you think this will be a hard task or easy task? Why?

I am not sure whether it will be easy or hard because it depends on what we are makiing/doing.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Is there life on other planets?

Walt: think critically about texts with developing confidence.

AC, KT and EM Is there life on other planets by Arie, Eva and Kylah.

Today for reading we made a poster/slide about life on other planets. I made this on canva with Kylah and Arie. We got information from a article called Is there on other planets? We also used a NASA site to look at the exoplanets, Exoplanets.

Thursday 11 June 2020

Neptune and Saturn

Walt: Create a presentation about two planets.

Today for reading we made a presentation about two planets in our solar system. I made this with Arie and Ella. We chose Neptune and Saturn. We made this presentation on google slides. This took us about 30 minutes to make. The first slide is facts about Saturn and the second is facts about Neptune. Arie and I worked on the Neptune slide and Ella worked on the Saturn slide. My favourite part of making this was finding the information. 

The most interesting fact I found was that is takes 60,190 Earths days to complete a whole year on Neptune. 
What planet would you choose? Are there any facts you know about these planets?

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Summary of Galileo Galilei

Walt: create a summary about Galileo Galilei.

Galileo Galilei by Ella, Arie and Eva

Today for reading we had to create a poster/summary about Galileo Galilei. I made my poster with Ella and Arie. Galileo Galilei created the telescope and discovered that the moon was rough and rocky not smooth. He also discovered that the planets revolve around the sun and not the earth. I enjoyed reading this text, my favourite part was when he discovered the moons surface. 

Do you like reading about space? Would or have you read about Galileo Galilei?

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Design a telescope

Walt: Design a telescope.
Today for reading we created a telescope on google drawings. I worked with Arie, Ella and Kylah. The black telescope was traced using the curve tool and was created by Ella. The other telescope was made using shapes and the curve tool. We tried to make a telescope out of cardboard at first, but there was not much cardboard left so we made a digital one. This activity was very fun and I would enjoy doing something like this again.
What materials or medium would you use? Do you enjoy creating things like this?

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Storyboard and Summary

Walt: create a quality blog post that explains our learning.

Something alive is a graphic novel written by Jem Yoshioka. The main character is a young girl born in New Zealand like her mother and father, she has Japanese blood in her. Her grandmother travelled over seas to New Zealand from Japan. The girl’s accent blends in with the crowds, but she feels like a badly translated haiku. She feels frustrated when people ask or tell her things about Japan that she already knows. She feels lost in both places; Japan and New Zealand. When she feels lost, she has her family to comfort her. She also has her grandmother. Her grandmother says she is proud of her life in New Zealand.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Something Alive Storyboard

Walt: create a storyboard that includes main ideas in the text.

This is my storyboard about Something Alive by Jem Yoshioka.
The first scene is about a girl who lives in New Zealand.
Second, her grandmother travelling form Japan to New Zealand
Thirdly, her father has is fathers face.
The girl is lost in both places.
Her family helps her when she feels lost.
Her and her grandmother at the beach.

Friday 29 May 2020

Bedroom Design

Walt: Share our creativity with an online audience.

Bedroom Design Link

Today we had to make a dream bedroom for a teenage refugee who just moved to New Zealand. We had to think about what a teenager/ourselves would like in a dream bedroom. My room includes a bedroom, bathroom, walk- in closet and a lounge room. My theme in my room is plants and yellow. To make my Bedroom I used planner5d, a designing app. I enjoyed making this because I would love to be a architect and a interior when I am older.

Do you enjoy making stuff like this? What would you use to make your room? What would your theme be?

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Poland Research

Walt: create a country study poster about Poland
Poland by Eva michalick .
Today I made a slide about Poland. I learnt a lot about Poland like how many people are in Poland, Poland's currency, traditional foods and much more. Poland is a very interesting place. I know that some of my relatives from way are from Poland. I used canva to make my slide and I enjoyed making this. What did/would you use to make your poster about Poland? Do you know anyone from Poland?

Friday 22 May 2020

Animation and Summary

Walt: Visualise and summarise the text in our own words. “Close to the edge” is a short novel written by Cecile Kruger. In this text Opal is a teenager travelling on a dusty track with her mother and other refugees. Opal drags her hands across a rock and her hand slips through a crack in the rock. Somebody had stepped too close to the edge and sent sand and stone slipping down the hill. While everyone was distracted Opal entered the crack in the rock, she discovered a dim cave. Opal walked around the cave and suddenly something wet and cold wrap around her leg. She instantly knew what it was.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Storyboard and Summary

Walt: visualise and summarise the text in our own words.

My name is Rez is a graphic novel told by Toby Morris. Rez lives in an Iran refugee camp with her family. They live in a tent with six other families. The camp they live in is overcrowded, not enough facilities, and there were no schools. 
After nine years in the camp the were moved to New Zealand. Rez went to school in New Zealand. The only thing Rez could say in English was, “my name is Rez”. Children teased and laughed at her, saying she was like a robot, “my name is Rez, my name is Rez”. Rez finally became comfortable with her school and understood English, she also got moved into a class for special kids. 
Rez did have a tough time at school but then she became a lawyer in Auckland and was named young New Zealander of the year.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Refugee Poem

Walt: creatively write and present a piece of poetry.

Today, me, Kylah and Arie made a acrostic poem. This poem is about refugee. I enjoyed making this poem with my friends.

Friday 15 May 2020

Missing Child Poster

Walt: create a quality blog post that explains our learning.

For today's reading task we had to create a missing poster. Mahmoud from Refugee gave away his baby sister Hana to strangers to save her life. The missing child is Hana. We had to create what we thought Hana would look like. To me Hana would be wearing a pink blanket and bow. The baby I made does not look very good. What do you think Hana would be wearing?

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Compass Coodinates

West 1 space
North 2 spaces
West 2 spaces
South 4 spaces
East 2 spaces
South West 2 spaces
South East 1 space
East 3 spaces
North 1 space
Where are you now?

Monday 4 May 2020

Storyboard Summary

Walt: create a quality blog post that explains our learning.

For today's reading task we had to make a summary about the main events of a characters journey from Refugee. I chose Isabel for my storyboard summary because I am most interested in her journey. Isabel is leaving Cuba with her family and friends, their boat gets shot by the police and the hole is stuffed by a sock to stop it flooding. Second their boat nearly crashes into a tanker and Senor Castillo is thrown overboard by the water, Isabel jumps in to save him. That is all I have read about Isabel so far.

For this activity I used storyboard that. I enjoyed making this because storyboard that is fun and easy to use.

Thursday 30 April 2020

Spanish Translation

Walt: create a quality blog that explains our learning.

Today's reading task was to find the meaning to Spanish words, I also read chapter 15 and 16 of Refugee. Chapter 15 is about a Syrian boy called Mahmoud. Mahmoud and his family have finally made it to Turkey with only two phones and two chargers. There are tents for refugees all over. Chapter 16 is about a Jewish boy called Joseph. Kids were given a frightening tour of the ship. The Jewish children heard the Nazis song near the engine room. A man below below deck yells at the children and the man giving the tour.

Isabel from Refugee speaks Spanish, so we had to find the English meaning to these Spanish words. To translate these words I used google translate. I like this activity very much and would like to do this with more words.
What would you use to translate these words?

Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton

Who have we chosen and why? by Ella, Eva, Kylah and Arie. Today we had to create a slide/presentation about two famous m athematician...